‘Move for your Health’ campaign On today’s show we had Catherine Couper from the Sports Science Institute. As part of a global World Health Organisation campaign to promote and encourage regular physical activity for a healthy lifestyle, the Sports Science Institute of South Africa along with other partners have united to spread the campaign message “Move for Your Health”.
'According to the 2007 “Healthy Active Kids Report Card“, a scientific document that assessed the state of health of South Africa’s children, it was found that their most commonly reported leisure time activity is cell phone use, followed by sitting in front of the TV or computer. In addition, 40% of them are getting little or no moderate to vigorous activity each week. Clearly, the message “Move for your health” is one they need to hear and act on. '
They will be having two events- one on Sunday May 18 where a fun run/ walk will be taking place. From 19-24 May 2008 they will be having an Open Day at the Sports Science Institute - the Institute will open its gym facility to the general public.
For more info on the Fun Run/ Walk contact Leigh on 072 447 1600 or email move4health@ssisa.com
For more info on the Open Day call 021 659 5600, visit www.ssisa.com or info@ssisa.com
FAMSA- Western Cape
Later we were joined in-studio by the Western Cape coordinator and co-facilitator at the Family and Marriage Society organisation
(FAMSA) -Mercia Marsh. They are offering a FREE13-day training course whereby they train volunteers to become lay counsellors to work not only for the organisaiton, but also in the communities that they live in.
Those who want to volunteer should be community orientated, be English/Afrikaans speaking, have good writing skills and show commitment to completing the training.
A certificate will be awarded to those who complete the training.
For more information call 021 447 0170/021 372 0022 or 021 361 9098
pictured: Mercia Marsh