HIV/Aids Symposium
We kicked off today’s show with Professor David Dickinson- from Wits Business School- who is also involved with the 2nd HIV/AIDS Symposium which brings together researchers and practitioners in the field of HIV/AIDS in the workplace.
This year the symposium focuses on 3 important themes namely prevention, community and the second economy. These issues are said to reflect the current challenges in making workplace programmes effective. Other areas such as testing, discrimination and treatment will also be explored.
This Symposium is open to the public and will take place from the 29th to 30th of May 2008 at Wits Business School, Parktown- Johannesburg.
“We will be sharing at the symposium what we have learned about our efforts to combat HIV/Aids in the workplace and the challenges we are facing,” says Dickinson.
For more information on the Symposium please contact co-chair: David Dickinson call (011) 717 3572, email:
Lifeline/ Childline training courses
Lifeline/ Childline Western Cape are offering training for thos
e who would like to become counsellors for the organisation or for those who would just like to know more about themselves. The organisaiton is said to be the province's leading provider of counselling services.Ruth Martin senior manager and facilitator at the organisation joined us in studio to speak about the courses.
They are offering training courses in Khayelitsha, Cape Town and Bishop Lavis throughout the year.
The next course in the areas mentioned above is set to start in July.
‘By completing the two nine-week courses (a personal growth course and then a counselling skills course) both comprising of one 3 hour session per week for the nine weeks, you become eligible for selection as a volunteer counsellor for the organisation’
Training courses cost R1 100 each and there are a few bursaries available upon application.
If you are interested in participating in any of the courses call 021 461 1113 for Cape Town, 021 934 4822 for Bishop Lavis or 021 361 9197 for Khayelitsha.
picture (right): Ruth Martin