We then spoke to Anton Kannemeyer a visual artist or cartoonist who w
ill be launching his artwork at the Spier Wine Estate on Saturday 18 August 2007.

The exhibition by Anton Kannemeyer is an exciting part of the Beam Gallery’s programme, raising important questions in the debate about racial stereotypes. Working in the irreverent tradition of Bitterkomix, Kannemeyer continues to use the visual arts to make powerful and often darkly humorous commentary on South African society. In an important series entitled "Alphabet of Democracy", Kannemeyer, annotates his view of a post-apartheid South African political and social environment. The series is a work in progress with letters being added to reflect a society in flux. He also delves into the fears of middle class South Africans and questions who and what plagues their nightmares as well as exploring his own psyche with a series of entries taken from his rich visual diary
For more information contact
Farzanah Badsha
Visual Art Manager
Africa Centre
021 881 3116 (T)
086 516 0813 (F)