Today we spoke to Pippa Skotnes the author of the book Claim to the Country, wh
ich deals about the heritage of the San people in South Africa.

Claim to the Country - created, compiled and introduced by Pippa Skotnes - publishes for the first time, in book form and on an accompanying DVD, all the notebook pages and drawings which comprise the bulk of the archive. It also includes several contextualising essays by well-known scholars - John Parkington, Nigel Penn, John Wright, Anthony Traill, Anne Solomon, Roger Hewitt, Stephen Watson, David Lewis-Williams and Eustacia Riley - and a searchable index for all the narratives and contributors. The work sets out to present the reader with something of the experience of being in the archive: the archive is reflected and evoked in both the layout and the design of what is also a beautiful artbook.
You can get the book at leading bookstores or you can contact the office of Pippa Skotnes at 021 480 7112