27 June 2008
Theater. He spoke about the productions Cissie and I Claudia. Cissie explores the life and memory of Cape Town Activist Cissie Gool and I Claudia is a unique one woman play which maps the raw but beautiful interior world of an adolescent. Both these productions can be seen at the Baxter in July
pic: Fahiem and Celeste Ganga (producer of Backchat)
We then interviewed Carolyn Holden, Jeremy Quickfall, Shaun Klaasen and Talia Alexis from the production TAPAS. Continuing to address the issues of social cohesion, job creation, skills development, pride and self-confidence in the young, TAPAS is the title of Artscape’s 2008 Youth Collaboration. Performances are from 3-5 July at
For more info call 021 421 7695
Ballet Mosaic
We ended off the show with Farouk Irving from Cape Town City Ballet regarding their production ‘Ballet Mosaic’. This ballet performance is said to feature scenes from ballets rarely seen in
For more info call 021 421 7695