Catering Workshop Later we were joined by Tofeeq Hargey who is from the City of Cape Town’s Tourism Business Support Unit. Yesterday they held a 1 day free of charge community catering workshop aimed at prospective, emerging and current caterers at the Cape Town Hotel School
For more info call Racquel Barnard on 021 483 9016 or fax 021 483 9014
‘The Responsible Individual’ and Responsible Rehabilitation for South Afr
ican prisons programme
Joining us today was Author of ‘The Responsible Individual’ Karina Anderson. On Tuesday she launched her book at the Cape Town Book Fair. She is also involved in the Responsible Rehabilitation for South African prisons programme.
For more info visit www.responsibleindividual.com
‘Jou Ma se Comedy’ Club – Thursday Nights

We ended off today’s show with Comedian Kurt Schoonraad. He has grown in leaps and bounds and has become one of the most popular and requested comedians in South Africa. He recently started a comedy club in Cape Town called ‘Jou Ma se Comedy’ Club which runs at the eclectic Albert Hall in Woodstock and features South Africa’s top comedians as well as the upcoming stars. The Club runs every Thursday until 3 July
2008. Tickets are R70
For more info 021 447 7237