Molo Songololo

Today we spoke to Pamela Silolo from Molo Songololo, we have heard that hundreds of children experience severe trauma, abuse and human rights violations.
Children have gone missing, been abused, abducted, assaulted, raped and even murdered. There are also those who have been tricked, sold and bought for purpose of exploitation; including working in people’s homes as domestic workers.
For more information you can call Pamela Silolo on 021 762 5420

We then spoke to Jimmy Anderson Chiozo reggae musician and the man with the dream of walking form Cape Town to Cairo.
Chiozo is in Cape Town for this month to making the final adjustments to a long time dream. The 36-year-old father of one has been planning to walk from Cape Town to Cairo since April 2004. The mission has met with considerable delays including homelessness, robbery, illness and a car accident.
For more information visit:


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