Today we spoke to Senza Kula from Ilitha Lomso about their recent activities in the community.
Ilitha Lomso is a community organisation working on environmental issues with youth in poor communities. This is driven by a vision to see a vibrant youth driven organisation making impact, through the environment, in the lives of poor and marginalised communities.
Executive Summary
Harare is one of many communities in Khayelitsha who have, over the years, been stricken by the imbalanced and unfair manner in which services are delivered in the area. This, along many other reasons, is said to be caused by the continued influx of people from neighbouring communities and is exacerbated by government's lack of effective and efficient service delivery.
To an extent communities are cut off their water supply, billed unfairly or do not even have access to information and their natural resources. Ilitha Lomso has, over the years engaged local municipalities, communities and civil society organisations, through researched information, by doing capacity building, awareness raising and implemented projects to demonstrate practical solutions.
Managed to recruit and train more than 50 young people from Harare including Makhaza
We have done basic action research around the saving of water and the protection of local conservation sites to more than 200 house holds
We have developed and printed more than 1000 pamphlets, printed 100 educational t-shirts, performed theatre performances to about 10 schools in and surround the areas, held educational field trips to local dams and nature conservation sites, established community forums and held public meetings, fixed a few leaks in Harare and put a few signages at Makhaza Dunes
We have two environmental programme, focusing on capacity building (part of which covers action research and training), awareness-raising and project implementation to demonstrate practical solutions:
Ithontsi Water Project- this is a Community based water demand
Intelezi Nature Conservation Project- a project based on natural resource management
Goals and Objectives
To demonstrate a best practice community based water demand management project model in Harare Khayelitsha
Natural resource management project model at Makhaza where there is a sense of ownership over the water and natural resources they use access to information is locally available
Local artisans and conservationists exist through training
Access to water is sufficiently available for house hold use
Access to nature conservation sites is available to local people
Capacity to monitor water use within house holds prevails
Capacity to monitor our natural resources is available
Money is saved between both communities and local authorities
Proactive community partnerships are demonstrated
Lessons are documented for reference to stakeholders
Executive Summary
Harare is one of many communities in Khayelitsha who have, over the years, been stricken by the imbalanced and unfair manner in which services are delivered in the area. This, along many other reasons, is said to be caused by the continued influx of people from neighbouring communities and is exacerbated by government's lack of effective and efficient service delivery.
To an extent communities are cut off their water supply, billed unfairly or do not even have access to information and their natural resources. Ilitha Lomso has, over the years engaged local municipalities, communities and civil society organisations, through researched information, by doing capacity building, awareness raising and implemented projects to demonstrate practical solutions.
Managed to recruit and train more than 50 young people from Harare including Makhaza
We have done basic action research around the saving of water and the protection of local conservation sites to more than 200 house holds
We have developed and printed more than 1000 pamphlets, printed 100 educational t-shirts, performed theatre performances to about 10 schools in and surround the areas, held educational field trips to local dams and nature conservation sites, established community forums and held public meetings, fixed a few leaks in Harare and put a few signages at Makhaza Dunes
We have two environmental programme, focusing on capacity building (part of which covers action research and training), awareness-raising and project implementation to demonstrate practical solutions:
Ithontsi Water Project- this is a Community based water demand
Intelezi Nature Conservation Project- a project based on natural resource management
Goals and Objectives
To demonstrate a best practice community based water demand management project model in Harare Khayelitsha
Natural resource management project model at Makhaza where there is a sense of ownership over the water and natural resources they use access to information is locally available
Local artisans and conservationists exist through training
Access to water is sufficiently available for house hold use
Access to nature conservation sites is available to local people
Capacity to monitor water use within house holds prevails
Capacity to monitor our natural resources is available
Money is saved between both communities and local authorities
Proactive community partnerships are demonstrated
Lessons are documented for reference to stakeholders