Today we spoke to Barabara and Mala fro Ikamva Labantu which is an organis
ation which deals with many aspects in our society.

Self-reliant and sustainable Community Based Organisations facilitating positive social change. Our mission is to build the capacity of affiliated Community Based Organisations to achieve effective and efficient delivery of our four core services, which are health, education and capacity building, food, security and poverty alleviation and land and buildings.
Executive Summary
In the late 1960’s at the height of South African Apartheid, social activists responded to the unjust socio-political conditions by setting up survival initiatives in the Western Cape. This led to a groundswell of similar initiatives being established in other parts of the country.
Due to this growth it became necessary to formalise the coordination of these initiatives. In 1992 Ikamva Labantu (The Future of our Nation) was launched as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation.
Ikamva Labantu is governed by an independent non-executive board made up of leaders from the projects we serve as well as members from the private sector. This board has created four sub-committees to effectively execute its oversight functions. They are strategy, fundraising, account and audit and remuneration.
All funds donated to the organisation are received into an independent Donor Trust. The trust is governed by independent trustees who oversee the transference of the funds to Ikamva Labantu against preapproved requisitions for programme and running costs.
Family Support Services - The integration of the Foster Care and Vulnerable Children programme into a collaborative, multi-sectoral programme
To support these changes we have established a community-based organisation (Siyakhathala) with its own constitution drawn up in consultation with the community, plus a detailed implementation plan to ensure the success of the programme
Senior Activity Centres - To meet the changing needs of grandparents, senior clubs are being upgraded to include child-care facilities
Food Security Programme - Food gardens are being established at all our seniors clubs and educare centres
Where possible, we are assisting foster mothers with the preparion of their food gardens
Community Creations Further exposure for the craft products produced by our people in Community Creations
Early Childhood Development - Development through "Play Family Support Services"
Home-based *Care hoops
4 Hope lifeskills programme
Community creations
Department for the visually challenged
Food security
Seniors and activity centres
Goals and Objectives
To ensure that critical needs of the communities served are met comprehensively and effectively.
Executive Summary
In the late 1960’s at the height of South African Apartheid, social activists responded to the unjust socio-political conditions by setting up survival initiatives in the Western Cape. This led to a groundswell of similar initiatives being established in other parts of the country.
Due to this growth it became necessary to formalise the coordination of these initiatives. In 1992 Ikamva Labantu (The Future of our Nation) was launched as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation.
Ikamva Labantu is governed by an independent non-executive board made up of leaders from the projects we serve as well as members from the private sector. This board has created four sub-committees to effectively execute its oversight functions. They are strategy, fundraising, account and audit and remuneration.
All funds donated to the organisation are received into an independent Donor Trust. The trust is governed by independent trustees who oversee the transference of the funds to Ikamva Labantu against preapproved requisitions for programme and running costs.
Family Support Services - The integration of the Foster Care and Vulnerable Children programme into a collaborative, multi-sectoral programme
To support these changes we have established a community-based organisation (Siyakhathala) with its own constitution drawn up in consultation with the community, plus a detailed implementation plan to ensure the success of the programme
Senior Activity Centres - To meet the changing needs of grandparents, senior clubs are being upgraded to include child-care facilities
Food Security Programme - Food gardens are being established at all our seniors clubs and educare centres
Where possible, we are assisting foster mothers with the preparion of their food gardens
Community Creations Further exposure for the craft products produced by our people in Community Creations
Early Childhood Development - Development through "Play Family Support Services"
Home-based *Care hoops
4 Hope lifeskills programme
Community creations
Department for the visually challenged
Food security
Seniors and activity centres
Goals and Objectives
To ensure that critical needs of the communities served are met comprehensively and effectively.