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Giving young black female scientists a voice
They say "Behind every successful woman there is a tribe of other successful women who have her back." This is clearly evident when we spoke to Ndoni Mcunu who is founder as well as CEO of the Black Women in Science NPC on the 15th April 2019. Ndoni Mcunu, a PhD Candidate at Witwatersrand University who was awarded the
prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship in 2017 representing one out of 63
South African leaders who were chosen to participate in this programme out of
approximately 6 000 applications. She is not only a PHD candidate with a
particular focus in agriculture as well as climate change but she the Founder
& CEO of Black Women in Science (BWIS), a registered non-profit
organisation which aims to deliver capacity development interventions that
target young black women scientists and researchers.
Black Women in Science is a space in which young black women can come together, share knowledge and encourage each other in an industry that is deemed "male dominated".
For more information visit:
Instagram: @bwis_element
Twitter: @BWIS_SA
Facebook: @BlackWomenInScience