‘Can You Feel It’

Today on Backchat we were joined by the cast of ‘Can You Feel It?’. Can You Feel It is a tribute show to the Jackson Five and Michael Jackson and runs from the 1st to the 15th of November. Reyaat Tasriet leads the cast as Michael Jackson while Cheslen Junior, Lorenza Swartz, John Floris and Edward Eden play supporting roles. To book tickets visit
Oasis ‘Reach for your dreams’ 
We also spoke to Faaiq and Rochelle from the ‘Oasis Reach for Your Dreams’. Their aim is to raise awareness among youths within Grassy Park and keep them occupied with positive thoughts. They’re establishing a sustainable job creation programme project in Schaapkraal for underprivileged youth and adults. For more information you may contact
021 705 7351
Open Democracy Advice Centre

Our last guest in studio was Melvin from the Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC). The ODAC is a Cape Town-based non-profit organisation. ODAC’s mission is to promote and promote transparent democracy. For more information you may call
021 461 3096