Abalimi Bezekhaya
Today we started our show with Christine Khaba from Abalimi Bezekhaya a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) working to empower the disadvantaged through urban agriculture and environmental programmes and projects. Abalimi Bezekhaya supports their target groups’ ability to replicate their success and transform their lives in their urban and rural environments. For more information you can call Abalimi Bezekhaya at 021 361 3497
We also spoke to Candice Collins and Anele Duma from Learn to Earn (LtE). Their aim is to developed unemployed people, by facilitating business opportunities, job creation and access to economic ponds. For more information you can call Candice Collins on 021 361 5972
e then spoke to Christophe Dardeau an itinerant artist from France. The interview was about his upcoming painting exhibition which will be held in Cape Town from 3rd April until 23rd April 2008. This exhibition “uncertain regard” goes further than what is visible.
For more details you can call 021 423 56 99

For more details you can call 021 423 56 99
Pic: top right: Candice Collins and Anele Duma
Bottom left: Christophe Dardeau
Pictures by: Anele Siwa