CASE- Community Action towards a Safer Environment: Interview with Lane Benjamin from CASE (Community Action towards a Safer Environment) CASE works with children and youth directly, their families, schools, the police and supports other community workers. The organisation aims to equip the youth to make better choices for their lives through empowering the whole community and addressing the at-risk factors which affect unusual behaviour in youth
For more info on CASE call 021 691 7066
From the Hip- Khulumakahle (FTH:K): Interview with Company Manager of From the Hip – Khulumakahle –Tanya Surtees. The focus of this company is to offer access to theatre training for the Deaf community and to prepare both deaf and hearing performers for entrance into both the professional theatre industry and for integration into their company (From the Hip). Their goal is to open South Africa’s first Deaf and hearing Integrated Theatre Training Centre in Cape Town. One of the highlights for the Company was in 2005 when they won the Arts and Culture Trust’s Award for Cultural Development Project
For more info on this young, funky, deaf/hearing intergrated theatre company ‘From the Hip: Khulumakahle (FTH: K)’ call 021 448 2833, fax 086 612 96 49 or email