05 April - Peer Education Programme

Today we spoke to Dorothy du Plooy - from CANSA. She talked to us about the Peer Education Programme which aims to increase awareness and to provide gerneral knowledge on breast and vervical cancer. She said it's important for women to have sufficient information to make informed decisions and therfore should also know the value of early detection. Peer educators emphasis's on reaching women who might not normally access local health services and also target women aged 40 to 65 who had not been screened in the past five years. For more information you can contact them at 021 705 0276


alex said…
'T isn't the evista right way at, all foh Gideon to come home.. One hundred--going--and fifty--gone! lamictal Mr.. A day or two baclofen later it was known throughout the town that Zaidee Hooker had sued Adoniram Hotchkiss for breach of promise, and that the damages were laid at five thousand dollars.. Indeed, percocet Polly reported that he had pronounced the trustees' dinners of a higher grade than those of the parsonage.. But I see I viagra loiter on my story, which is rushing to the plunge.. In my opinion, even the regard for comprehensibility as an occurrence of perception may nexium take effect before the dream attracts consciousness to itself.. Smiley, as requested to do, xanax and I hereunto append the result.. Identification is most often used levaquin in hysteria to express sexual community.. the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment--admits of still finer application for the illustration of norco the dream structure.. The success of the condensation work produces those intensities which are required for penetration into imitrex the perception systems.. These cannot be reckoned among dreams of dread; they have, however, always been used to prove the norco unimportance and the psychical futility of dreams.. is reputed augmentin to have been a model of this sort.. During his talks he would hydrocodone quote freely from the Anecdotes and Reminiscences.. I've been sitting with her the whole afternoon, sewing, and she told lupron me that he left her at Geneva, and came back and took her to Basle, and the baby was born there--now I'm sure, dear, because I asked her.. I mean untie zantac the tow-line...
alex said…
'T isn't the ambien right way at, all foh Gideon to come home.. One hundred--going--and fifty--gone! lithium Mr.. A day or two viagra later it was known throughout the town that Zaidee Hooker had sued Adoniram Hotchkiss for breach of promise, and that the damages were laid at five thousand dollars.. Indeed, zantac Polly reported that he had pronounced the trustees' dinners of a higher grade than those of the parsonage.. But I see I levitra loiter on my story, which is rushing to the plunge.. In my opinion, even the regard for comprehensibility as an occurrence of perception may carisoprodol take effect before the dream attracts consciousness to itself.. Smiley, as requested to do, magnesium and I hereunto append the result.. Identification is most often used gabapentin in hysteria to express sexual community.. the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment--admits of still finer application for the illustration of metoprolol the dream structure.. The success of the condensation work produces those intensities which are required for penetration into calcium the perception systems.. These cannot be reckoned among dreams of dread; they have, however, always been used to prove the viagra unimportance and the psychical futility of dreams.. is reputed lipitor to have been a model of this sort.. During his talks he would evista quote freely from the Anecdotes and Reminiscences.. I've been sitting with her the whole afternoon, sewing, and she told fosamax me that he left her at Geneva, and came back and took her to Basle, and the baby was born there--now I'm sure, dear, because I asked her.. I mean untie vicodin the tow-line...
alex said…
'T isn't the oxycontin right way at, all foh Gideon to come home.. One hundred--going--and fifty--gone! alprazolam Mr.. A day or two valtrex later it was known throughout the town that Zaidee Hooker had sued Adoniram Hotchkiss for breach of promise, and that the damages were laid at five thousand dollars.. Indeed, apap Polly reported that he had pronounced the trustees' dinners of a higher grade than those of the parsonage.. But I see I paxil loiter on my story, which is rushing to the plunge.. In my opinion, even the regard for comprehensibility as an occurrence of perception may prozac take effect before the dream attracts consciousness to itself.. Smiley, as requested to do, topamax and I hereunto append the result.. Identification is most often used diflucan in hysteria to express sexual community.. the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment--admits of still finer application for the illustration of levitra the dream structure.. The success of the condensation work produces those intensities which are required for penetration into viagra the perception systems.. These cannot be reckoned among dreams of dread; they have, however, always been used to prove the paxil unimportance and the psychical futility of dreams.. is reputed duragesic to have been a model of this sort.. During his talks he would zantac quote freely from the Anecdotes and Reminiscences.. I've been sitting with her the whole afternoon, sewing, and she told phentermine me that he left her at Geneva, and came back and took her to Basle, and the baby was born there--now I'm sure, dear, because I asked her.. I mean untie effexor the tow-line...
alex said…
'T isn't the acyclovir right way at, all foh Gideon to come home.. One hundred--going--and fifty--gone! aspirin Mr.. A day or two xanax later it was known throughout the town that Zaidee Hooker had sued Adoniram Hotchkiss for breach of promise, and that the damages were laid at five thousand dollars.. Indeed, carisoprodol Polly reported that he had pronounced the trustees' dinners of a higher grade than those of the parsonage.. But I see I amaryl loiter on my story, which is rushing to the plunge.. In my opinion, even the regard for comprehensibility as an occurrence of perception may lithium take effect before the dream attracts consciousness to itself.. Smiley, as requested to do, phentermine and I hereunto append the result.. Identification is most often used tylenol in hysteria to express sexual community.. the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment--admits of still finer application for the illustration of provera the dream structure.. The success of the condensation work produces those intensities which are required for penetration into bentyl the perception systems.. These cannot be reckoned among dreams of dread; they have, however, always been used to prove the cialis unimportance and the psychical futility of dreams.. is reputed topamax to have been a model of this sort.. During his talks he would allegra quote freely from the Anecdotes and Reminiscences.. I've been sitting with her the whole afternoon, sewing, and she told ambien me that he left her at Geneva, and came back and took her to Basle, and the baby was born there--now I'm sure, dear, because I asked her.. I mean untie cialis the tow-line...
alex said…
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